The unique beauty of Death Valley National Park has lured me into the desert once again. I have spent countless days exploring and photographing this unworldly terrain, but this time was different. With lockdowns being lifted and Nationals Park partially re-opening from the pandemic, I needed to get out into Nature.
The first big winter storm was about to hit California and reports showed the very uncommon occurrence of thunderstorms in Death Valley. Acting fast, I packed my gear and was off to beat the storm to the high elevation passes before heavy snow threatened to close roads.
Arriving in Death Valley the dappled light guided me to the dunes. Hiking through the sand dunes, a calmness came over me that I have missed these past 12 months. The sand dunes and weather seemed to portray, in a way, the events of this last year. The lifelessness of the sand represented hardship, the wind illustrated the unknown and ever-changing. The approaching rain expressed recovery and renaissance brought forth by adversity and determination.

Open Edition: Days End

(Days End: 32 x 24 inch acrylic frame)