Glacier National Park is a true wonder, both in natural marvel and human efforts to make awe-inspiring locations accessible to all. The Going to the Sun Road was how I was able to reach this jaw-dropping location. An amazing engineering accomplishment that traverses the sheer cliffs of the park, crossing the Continental Divide through Logan Pass at an elevation of 6,646 feet. All while designed and constructed to have minimum effect on its natural surroundings.

I arrived at Logan Pass with hopes of a beautiful sunrise. I was greeted with dark cloudy skies, freezing temperatures and howling winds. I began my hike up the mountain side only to be greeted with signs reading “CAUTION, heavy bear activity in the area.”

I continued my hike, bear spray at the ready, through the meadow and up along the mountain side. Reaching one of my favorite views in the park, I setup my tripod and began the waiting game, in hopes of the sun peeking through. One hour turned into two, two into three, but what a show. Clouds and fog dancing through mountain, leaving snow along the higher peaks. Dappled light wandered along the valley floor, teasing me as if they would come higher up into the mountains.

As the third hour came to an end and it was nearly impossible to keep my hands and toes warm, I received a gift of a few disjointed clouds allowing a moment of sun to sweep across the mountain face. I jumped to my camera, clicking the shutter as I rapidly shifted the camera through the panoramic capturing process.

As the shutter closed on the final shot, I was able to have a few seconds to take in the magic of what was happening in front of me, just before the clouds engulfed the landscape. With a deep breath, and thank you nod to Mother Nature, I packed up my camera and started back to Logan Pass.

Other images from Glacier National Park