We spent the last few weeks of 2018 exploring northern Arizona.
Before our arrival, a snow storm had blown in and dotted the rim of the Grand Canyon with spots of ice and snow. Fluffy clouds hung from the sky as we took in the immensity of canyon below us.
Our journey took us south through the windy roads of Oak Creek Canyon and into the majestic red rocks of Sedona, Arizona.

Sedona was filled with families and tourists in town for the holidays, so we traveled off the beaten path to discover many of the beautiful back roads and trails that the area had to offer.
On New Year’s Eve a snow storm blew into the Sedona and was much heavier than predicted making the roads slick and icy. Citywide road closures kept us limited, but in Sedona, you don’t need to look far for picturesque vistas. On New Year’s morning, I trekked on foot through the fresh snow until I came upon this scene (image above). Overnight, the snow blanketed the desert leaving only pops of red stone peeking out. Truly an inspiring sight to welcome in the new year.